Monday 13 January 2020

Common Heating Problems and The Best Ways to Fix Them

Heating-Problems-Myrtle-Beach-300x200.jpgWinter has arrived, and the only thing worse than being trapped out in the weather is being without heat. It's an awful feeling to be stuck in a cold home due to the fact that your HVAC system fell victim to a common heating problem. Thankfully, there are things you can do to avoid that; with appropriate maintenance, your heating system will last longer, run more effectively as well as conserve cash. It will also help you prevent the following common heating problems, and keep you warm all winter. Broken Thermocouple: Usually when a pilot burner will not remain lit, it is because of a failing thermocouple. For most homeowners, changing this part looks like a very challenging task, but as long as safety measures are followed-- such as switching off the gas and power to the heating system-- it's a piece of cake.

With these detailed directions, a crescent wrench and a screwdriver, you'll have the heater roaring in no time.

  • Dirty filters
In addition to restricting air flow, unclean filters allow for things such as dust, dander, and pollen to develop and lower air quality, while also making the cooling and heating Myrtle Beach system work harder. It's highly recommended that air filters are changed out monthly to keep the system working at its best over a long period of time.
  • System Constantly Turning On and Off
If your heating system is continually turning off and on, you probably have a short cycling problem. This means there is a problem internally in the system with the flow. Fortunately, there are two basic methods to detect cause: dirty air filters and defective thermostats. If filters are limiting air flow it could trigger the device to falsely spot that the appropriate temperature level was reached, even if it was not. The other problem might be with the thermostat and not the heater at all. See to it the system is working properly and isn't really in direct sunlight or near another heat source. If the filters are clean and the thermostat is working appropriately, then you might be facing an improperly sized heating system, a rusty flame sensor or a block in the chimney or air vent.
  • Routine Wear and Tear
Bearings burn out and belts break eventually. It's just how it goes. However, you can extend the life of heating systems with yearly routine upkeep and assessments.
  • Blower Motor Runs Continuously
If you hear the heating system running nonstop for a prolonged period of time, there could be a couple of problems at hand. Very first start at the thermostat. Turn it down to make sure the heating system isn't just aiming to provide the demanded heat. This is generally the case on incredibly cold days. If the concern continues, check to make sure the heat pump is still working. The heat pump is located outside of your home. Make sure it is clear of debris and the fan is running properly. Lastly, to repeat, inspect your filters. It is really that essential to the maintenance and smooth operation of HVAC equipment. If none of these appears to fix the problem, it might be time to call in a professional HVAC contractor. The concern could be in any number of switches or other electronic components.

There is nothing more miserable than being cold when you live in the south. Call us today if you are experiencing heating problems and we will come out and inspect your HVAC system.

Grand Strand Heating And Cooling Acme Contractors Myrtle Beach, SC 843-491-6400

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